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Showing posts from November, 2019

Dating Schmating

Let's talk about dating. I pretty much do not do it anymore!  But, I do have plenty of conversations about it and why I choose not to. Do I want to be single?  No and that is normal, people!!!  I have realized that dating is basically a bunch of broken people that do not want to be alone, but also do not want any kind of real connection because that means they have to be vulnerable and who wants that?  Hey! Quote me on that...hell make a meme and share it on social media. Thanks! I can deal with the bullshit hoping to find the diamond in the rough if I did not have to deal with the judgmental assholes that are well meaning, but are really just terrible "fixers." I would prefer for people to place blame where it should be: on the douche that played me. Can I get a little empathy up in here?.....up in here On the rare occasion someone is interested in me, I give them a chance. I give them a real chance. When he turns out to be "like all the others....