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Showing posts from June, 2015

My Experiences - Yep, My Life Is A Bit Of A Mess...Oh Well

The problem is not that there are problems. The problem is expecting otherwise and thinking that having problems is the problem. - Theodore Rubin is NEVER a problem! Yep! My love of quotes is back on my blog! :) I really like that quote, not because I need it for myself, but because I have had some run-ins with people who were frustrated with my problematic life.  Where do I begin...

My Experiences - A Year Later!

It has been almost one year since my last blog post. I have been on a long journey since that day and I could not bring myself to write during that time. I am ready to write again. My last post was about me taking care of myself, specifically through physical fitness and relationships. I will talk about my fitness journey in this post because, honestly, it is just easier.