I have been reminded, almost daily, for the last three weeks , how efficient I am and that nothing is going to get done when I depart. As if what I do is some how magical and ONLY I have the ability to do so. YES! I do act like it sometimes because its funny to me to play into the drama. But, in all seriousness, I have three simple time management "rules" I live by. Let me explain why time management is important. There is one simple reason, just one, YOU IMPACT OTHERS! You impact people at work, home, the world, etc. The idea for this post came about because I was impacted by what I consider inefficiency. The person that was assigned the task of planning and executing my going away at work put it off...or forgot about it...or whatever...numerous times. It got to the point where I ended up essentially planning my going away and sent them a detailed email of what was "planned" and whom to send the email to...an entire list of people...just have to put their...
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